• Working Hours - Mon - Thu: 8:00 - 17:00; Fri: 8:00 - 14:00
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Invitation to bid for the Optimization of GeneXpert Sites

The Institute of Human Virology-Nigeria (IHVN) Procurement Unit on behalf of the Institute hereby invites you to submit a Bid to this Invitation to Bid (ITB) for the above-referenced subject.


IHVN was selected as a Principal Recipient to oversee a two (2) year (2019 – 2022) TB PPM grant by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. In 2016, Xpert MTB/RIF testing was adopted in 2016 as the first point of diagnosis for all forms of TB in Nigeria but the suboptimal functionality of the machines has contributed to the low detection rate of TB Case in Nigeria. As part of the activities in the PPM grant, IHVN has been made responsible to ensure the optimization of selected Xpert MTB/RIF machines on behalf of the National Tuberculosis, Leprosy and Buruli Ulcer Control Program.

Purpose of RFB

The purpose of this request is to solicit for bids to facilitate the implementation and optimization of Xpert MTB/RIF Machines across 36 states of Nigeria and the FCT with oversight from Institute of Human Virology-Nigeria.

Invitations for Expression of Interests and Bidding

IHVN is soliciting for interests from reputable service providers, suppliers and organizations with relevant experience in carrying out services listed on our RFB during the project implementation period.

To be eligible to participate in the bidding process, interested organization are required to provide the following information:

  • Signed Cover Letter indicating Lot Number (check Bid BOQ on our website for more information)
  • Company Profile
  • Evidence of company registration (certificate of incorporation of the company – CAC or its equivalent in your country of operation)
  • All Bidders must include copies of tax clearance certificates for the past three years.
  • Proof of registration with Corporate Affairs Commission or similar government regulatory institution in your country of operation.
  • Verifiable evidence of completing similar jobs successfully in the last 3 years, hands-on experience in TB diagnostics and other Laboratory equipment optimization and maintenance, with relevant certifications.
  • Completion of  BID form A-G
  • Technical and human resource capacity to rapidly cover a large number of sites and ability to work within agreed timelines
  • Flexibility, adaptability, and resourcefulness
  • Bank Reference Letter
  • Bid security shall be provided in the amount and form indicated in the BDS
  • Evidence of DUNS certification

Submission Requirements

  • All bids must be in ink or type written; submission in pencil will not be accepted.
  • Cost Proposal: IHVN desires that bidders provide bid formatted in the templates in Annex B. Bids must be in Nigerian Naira.
  • Delivery Information: Delivery period should be stated in line with the expected project performance period
  • Bid must be in Company’s Letter head, duly signed and stamped by an authorized company representative
  • Bid Validity Period must be mentioned and not less than 120 days.
  • Any quote with percentage/calculation error will be disqualified at the tender meeting.


Bids which must reach us within six (6) weeks from the date of this publication should have the title of the BID written on the “Top Left Hand Corner” of the envelope.

All interested bidders can download the BID document from below link.

The Institute’s Contacts/Question about the Bid and Bid Deadline:

  • Funding Agency :GF PPM Grant
  • Start Date :22ndMarch, 2021
  • Bid Deadline Date/Time: 26th March, 2021. @10:00am
  • IHVN contact person : Head of Supply Chain Management Department
  • IHVN Technical person on project : Head of Unit –Technical Team

NOTE to bidders: We can only achieve our aims of long term success if you provide an outstanding service and quality products. To this end, IHVN shall reserve the right to terminate any contract midway or after delivery of services/goods either for non-performance or non-compliance with specification, delivery time and any other terms of the contract.

1 Issuance of contracts to vendors & signing 6th-7th April IHVN & Vendors
Post-Award Field Exercise
2 Field Survey 8th April – 22nd June Contractor
3 Material procurement Contractor
4 Installation work Contractor
5 Inspection/Job certification IHVN/NTBLC
6 Payment 25th – 30th June IHVN

Click links below to download Bid details

GeneXpert Optimization
BID BOQ_ Annex